Ontario election: June 2, 2022

Prevent catastrophic climate change NOW.
Build a future in which our children and grandchildren can thrive.
Ian Lipton
Never in human history have we faced a threat like catastrophic climate change. At our current rate of carbon pollution, the planet will exceed a 1.5 degree Celsius increase above pre-industrial temperatures within the next 10 to 20 years.
We're currently at 1.2 degrees.
We're witnessing increasing incidents of catastrophic floods, wildfires, droughts, heat beyond human tolerance, and extreme storms all year round.
And Ontario is not prepared.
What must we do NOW to prepare?
We must begin by allocating sufficient resources to ensure that our homes and businesses are protected; that our populations (especially the elderly, our children, and the vulnerable) are safe; and that our critical services and public infrastructure can withstand the conditions that are sure to come.
Scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have warned that we have 10 years to cut our carbon footprint in half. Despite this warning, our carbon emissions continue to rise.
There are some countries and provinces that are making real progress reducing their carbon emissions. Ontario is not one of them. Ontario emits about as much carbon into the atmosphere now as we did in 2014 and more than in 2017.
For our children and grandchildren to thrive, we must challenge ourselves to make the changes needed NOW. We must abandon practices that are leading to rising emissions.
While we each have our own responsibility in making these changes, government must co-ordinate all sectors of society to take immediate carbon-reducing action based on forward, systemic, and long-term thinking.
Here's what must happen in Ontario if we're to prevent catastrophic climate change and build a future in which our children and grandchildren can thrive:
The Conservatives, Liberals, and NDP have not demonstrated a grasp of the urgency and magnitude of the crisis, nor the commitment to do what it takes to prevent catastrophic climate change.
All 3 legacy parties are outdated in their quest for unlimited economic growth. Unlimited economic growth is impossible on a planet that cannot sustain it.
Ontario Greens stand for an economically and socially sustainable Ontario. Our plan is for an economy that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
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Copyright © 2021/2022 Ian Lipton and the Green Party of Ontario. Authorized by the CFO for the Toronto - St. Paul's GPO CA . All Rights Reserved.